Spend less, produce more, and have a net-positive impact on the environment.

Penny Newman’s Farm Products Division was born out of a recognition that optimum crop fertility and resilience can be accomplished through alternative methods to those largely being offered to growers today. Our mission is to help farmers meet the increasing consumer and regulatory demands of reducing their utilization of synthetic inputs while, at the same time, maximizing their productivity. In other words, our goal is to improve their bottom line.
Penny Newman is a Proud Affiliate of The Ag Center!
About the Ag Center
A one-stop-shop, connecting ag professionals with quality services from a team of leaders in the industry. With our variety of services and extensive knowledge, we’re able to act fast and save our customers their most precious resource-TIME! The knowledge and reach that we have is unbeatable…
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Regenerative agriculture is an exciting paradigm
On-farm profitability and environmental stewardship can be accomplished through the same means. Through increasing soil organic matter, farmers are sequestering atmospheric carbon, which in turn, increases the availability of nutrient components latent in the soil and increases its ability to retain water. Our products and methods allow growers to do precisely that. It is possible to spend less, produce more, and have a net-positive impact on the environment. Call us and find out how.

“Customers Say”…
Mitch Yribarren, Yribarren Family Farms – Fourth Generation Farmer – Tranquility, CA
Crops: Almonds, Pistachios, Pomegranate, Row Crops

“We started using FULL SPECTRUM C+P three years ago when our orchard was 13 years old. At the time, California was in the third year of a very dry period of hydrology statewide and our irrigation district was extremely reliant on well water for the second year in a row. The water was adding to the overall salinity of the soil and the effects were more pronounced in our trees because of their age relative to other orchards in our area. Leaf tip burn, trees completely drying up and late season leaf defoliation were some of the negative effects. Our Monterey variety was so stressed from the salty well water that some actually went into a second bloom after harvest. For the first time since planting the trees in 2003, my dad and I began to discuss whether or not we will be able to get 20+ years of production from the trees or if we should begin preparing for removal and replant. As it turned out that wasn’t necessary. In the first year of applying FULL SPECTRUM C+P we noticed immediate improvement in water penetration that led to larger moisture zones. Areas that would have standing water for up to 4 days after irrigations suddenly were reduced to nothing more than wet soil after 24 hours.